ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: Kevin Durant, 33; Roger Bart, 59; Bryant Gumbel, 73; and Jerry Lee Lewis, 86.Birthday greetings: Before you make a move, consider every possible angle. Putting caution first will save you time spent backtracking.
A steady forward pace combined with thorough checklists will ensure that you make the most of your time. If you want to eliminate opposition from someone close to you, communication will be critical. Concentrate on what is possible.
Your digits are 9, 14, 22, 26, 29, 35, and 44.(March 21-April 19) ARIES: Choose a goal and stick to it. Refuse to be distracted by emotional issues. A disciplined approach to your pursuits will assist you in overcoming an intrusion. Don’t divulge any personal information that could be used against you. two starsTAURUS (April 20-May 20): Don’t let the actions of others dictate your life. When uncertainty arises, consider what you want to do rather than allowing others to make decisions for you. Live your dream, concentrate on what makes you happy, and get rid of what no longer serves you.
4 out of 5 starsGEMINI (May 21-June 20): Set the tone, run the show, and believe in your ability to lead. Demonstrate your dedication by leaving nothing to chance and striving to reach your goal without emotional detours. Allow yourself to let go of the past and embrace the future. three starsCANCER (June 21-July 22): Allow your thoughts to wander and your instincts to take over. If you are unfairly targeted, get out of the line of fire. Understand when to speak up and when to keep information private. Pay close attention to detail and stick to your budget. three starsLEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Focus on what is important without complaining. Avoid making changes that aren’t absolutely necessary. Help a friend or relative who is going through a difficult time. Handle delicate situations with reassurance and support. Maintain a budget-friendly lifestyle.

three starsVIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): If you allow your emotions to run wild, a snafu will occur. Emphasize how you present yourself and what you have to offer. Don’t be afraid of change; it will turn out better than you expected. 4 out of 5 starsLIBRA (September 23-October 22): Don’t react too quickly. Allow others to do as they please, and you’ll discover the best way to fit into a situation that’s bothering you. Observation and knowledge will empower you to make the best decisions for yourself. two starsSCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Control your emotions and take better care of yourself, both emotionally and physically. Do something that makes you happy and satisfied.
A creative project will help you gain perspective and encourage you to make positive changes. The theme is romance. 5 out of 5SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Improve your surroundings, but don’t overspend. If you use your intelligence, you will be able to find ways to work with what you have rather than spending money on something that isn’t necessary. A conversation with someone who inspires you will inspire you to follow your heart.
three starsCAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Hasty decisions will cause emotional upheaval. Rethink your plans; you’ll discover less expensive ways to improve your life without upsetting loved ones or incurring debt. Be wise and direct your energy where it is most needed. A collaboration appears to be in the works. three starsAQUARIUS (January 20-February 18): Keep things simple; know when to say no; and don’t make a change just because someone else does. Put your energy into personal development, taking better care of yourself, and making the best use of what you have.
Begin working on a creative project. three starsPISCES (February 19 – March 20): You’re going in the right direction. Make a few changes based on the information you’ve gathered, and it’ll be much easier to finish what you’ve started without encountering resistance. Tell someone about your intentions and plans. 5 out of 5Baby’s Birthday: You’re sensitive, unpredictable, and gregarious. You are assertive and unique.1 star: Avoid squabbles and work behind the scenes. 2 stars: You are capable, but do not rely on others.

3 stars: Stay focused and you’ll achieve your objectives. 4 stars: Aim high and begin new projects. Nothing can stop you; go for gold. 5 stars: Nothing can stop you; go for gold.
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