Eight of the 12 state-run emergency clinics in Dhaka, which are recorded by the wellbeing directorate to treat dengue patients, are presently dismissing them, unfit to give treatment to the mosquito-borne infection.
Every one of these medical clinics used to have a dengue-committed ward, yet those were assigned for Covid patients, prompting the current problem. Being rejected by government medical clinics, the dengue patients in the capital are currently compelled to go to the private ones.
In the 24 hours to 8am on Friday, 211 new patients were analyzed in Dhaka, as indicated by the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS). The other day, 208 dengue cases were accounted for in the city, 63 of whom went to public emergency clinics for treatment, DGHS information says.Dhaka is at present the focal point of the current year’s dengue flare-up, detailing over 90% of the complete caseload consistently. In the present situation, the diminished clinical offices have come about in one more clinical emergency with Covid previously unleashing ruin.

‘Dengue patients can’t be at similar clinic as Covid patients’ Treating dengue patients at medical clinics where Covid patients are additionally treated expands the danger of Covid transmission, general wellbeing specialists say.
Dhaka Medical College Hospital Director Brig Gen Md Nazmul Haque said the clinic’s dengue ward was changed over into a Covid unit at the idea of the DGHS recently.
“Dengue and Covid are both inside medication illnesses, however we are offering need to Covid patients right now,” he disclosed to Dhaka Tribune.
Dengue patients are at the danger of contracting Covid-19 whenever kept at the DMCH, Brig Gen Haque said, adding that a twofold contamination of the two sicknesses would make a patient’s ailment significantly confounded, which had effectively been seen in certain individuals.
Bangabandhu Sheik Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital and Mugda General Hospital have transformed their dengue units into Covid wards too. These emergency clinics are presently just giving essential treatment to dengue patients and alluding them to other government offices, primarily to Mitford Hospital.
Due to the disturbing flood in dengue cases, the DGHS has made fundamental game plans at two clinics — Aminbazar 20-Bed Hospital in Dhaka and Shaheed Ahsan Ullah Master General Hospital in Gazipur — to treat patients.

The wellbeing specialists are additionally building up Mitford Hospital to adapt to the surge of dengue patients. Besides, Shishu Matrisadan Hospital in Mirpur is being ready to regard dengue patients also.
DGHS Line Director Dr Mohammad Robed Amin said the wellbeing specialists were intending to assign a few medical clinics in Tongi exclusively for dengue patients, to keep the circumstance from deteriorating further.
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