
Chikungunya is a mosquito-borne viral sickness brought about by the chikungunya infection (CHIKV), a Togaviridae infection.

While the death rate is low with CHIKUNGUNYA disease, dismalness is high with clinical indications that incorporate fever, incapacitating joint and muscle torment, joint expanding, migraine, queasiness, and rash. VLA1553 is a live-constricted, single portion antibody contender for insurance against chikungunya infection.

The antibody works by erasing a piece of the chikungunya infection genome. In a stage 1 clinical preliminary, organization of VLA1553 brought about 100% seroconversion of the 120 solid members, with counter acting agent titers supported following a year. The Company is as of now examining the immunogenicity and wellbeing of VLA1553 in around 4100 grown-ups in a stage 3 examination.

Chikungunya virus antibody (CA980) - The Native Antigen Company

Patients will be arbitrarily alloted 3:1 to get a solitary inoculation of either VLA1553 or fake treatment. The essential endpoint is the extent of patients with a seroprotective CHIKV immune response level dictated by µPRNT (Micro Plaque Reduction Neutralization Test) at 28 days post-immunization. Juan Carlos Jaramillo, Chief Medical Officer of Valneva remarked, “We are very satisfied with FDA’s acknowledgment of VLA1553 as a Breakthrough program.

Chikungunya is a significant, developing general wellbeing danger and VLA1553 targets dependable security against the chikungunya infection with a solitary fired. We will keep on working intimately with the FDA to carry a protection answer for the market at the earliest opportunity.”


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