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Jisc Microsoft Agreement

Jisc, a not-for-profit organization that provides digital solutions to universities and colleges in the UK, has recently signed a multi-year agreement with Microsoft. This agreement will enable Jisc to offer Microsoft products and services to its member institutions at significantly discounted rates.

The Jisc Microsoft Agreement is a significant step forward for the higher education sector in the UK. It will provide member institutions with access to a range of Microsoft products and services, including Office 365, Windows 10, and Azure. These products and services will be available at a reduced rate, making them more accessible to universities and colleges.

One of the key benefits of this agreement is that it will enable institutions to provide their students and staff with the latest technology. This is essential for ensuring that they are equipped with the tools they need to succeed in today`s digital world. Microsoft`s products and services are widely used across many industries, so having experience with these tools will be beneficial for students and staff when they enter the workforce.

Another advantage of this agreement is that it will support the digital transformation of higher education. By providing access to Microsoft`s cloud-based services, Jisc member institutions will be able to streamline their operations and improve their digital capabilities. This will enable them to offer a better student experience, as well as enhance their research capabilities.

In addition, the Jisc Microsoft Agreement will help to ensure that member institutions comply with data protection regulations. By using Microsoft`s cloud-based services, institutions can store data securely and comply with data protection regulations. This is crucial for protecting sensitive student and staff information.

Overall, the Jisc Microsoft Agreement is a positive development for the higher education sector in the UK. It will provide member institutions with access to a range of Microsoft products and services at discounted rates, enabling them to provide their students and staff with the latest technology. Additionally, it will support the digital transformation of higher education and help institutions comply with data protection regulations.

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