You’ve probably heard from friends, social media, news sources, and medical experts that if you get the COVID vaccine, you can expect some side effects. While vaccine reactions range from minor or non-existent to temporarily incapacitating, it’s difficult to predict how your body will react to the shot. Continue reading to find out what experts recommend you do after your COVID vaccine to help manage side effects, and to learn more about the most common side effects, According to a new study, Moderna caused this reaction in 82% of people.

Take a day off of work after your vaccine if you are able to.

Covid-19 outbreak: the key to quicker vaccine development

Not everyone has the ability to take a day off work, but if you have the option of scheduling a vacation or sick day after your vaccination, experts say it’s a good idea because it’s difficult to predict how your body will react. “People should expect to be out of work for 24 to 48 hours,” said Neeta Ogden, MD, an internal medicine specialist and immunologist, to CBS MoneyWatch. “It’s a good idea to listen to your body’s needs and rest if it needs it, or work more slowly and with less responsibility if you must be at work.”

“Side effects can affect your ability to do daily activities,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “but they should go away in a few days.” If you can’t take a day off, experts recommend scheduling your vaccine appointment on a weekend or before a day when you won’t be working anyway to give yourself some time to recover. And, Doctor warns, You Need This in Your Diet After Your COVID Vaccine to Help You Recover Quickly.

You may not experience significant side effects, but most people have some.

COVID-19 and headaches: What you need to know | Novant Health | Healthy  Headlines

Taking a day off work ahead of time is a precautionary measure in case of side effects, but Odgen told CBS that “some people feel nothing.” Side effects may be severe enough to interfere with work tasks for those who do experience them. The most common vaccine side effects, according to the CDC, are pain and swelling at the injection site, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, chills, fever, and nausea. For more information on how the vaccine keeps you safe, see This Is How Long the Moderna Vaccine Really Protects You, According to a New Study.

Take it off after your second dose only one day off.

Research has shown that the second dose tends to produce more serious side effects in vaccines requiring two doses, Pfizer or Moderna. The study on 5 April shows that 70% of people experienced an injection reaction after their first dose of Pfizer or Moderna using data from the recording system of CDC v-safe. After the second dose this figure jumped up to 75%. The study also found that 50% of recipients of Pfizer or Moderna report side effects across the body after the first dose and 69% after the second dose.

Studies, however, show that you may have more significant side effects after the initial dose, so plan accordingly, if you have already had COVID. A study shared by medRxiv on Feb 1 found that those who had COVID had ample antibodies since they already knew the virus in their body. “Systems of side effects with a significantly higher frequency than native anti-body vaccines for vaccine beneficiaries with pre-existing immunity,” the report says. And register for our daily newsletter for more COVID vaccine information delivered directly to your inbox.

Employers should do their best to be flexible

While not required under law, the CDC stated that employers should provide employees with signs and symptoms after their vaccine dose with a flexible, non-punitive leave (e.g. paid ill leave). Ogden told CBS employers should be flexible, so employees should not be discouraged from taking the vaccine after the day’s work.

‘Many employers give paid vacation for reasons of COVID, including vacunation,’ Amber Clayton, Director of the Human Resource Management Company’s Knowledge Centre, told CBS. ‘A lot of employers are even doing so to encourage people to get this vaccination.’ And this Common Medicine can make your vaccine less effective, study statements for further essential vaccine guidance.


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