Miley Cyrus encourages fans of Hannah Montana to expect the Disney Channel icon to return.

Miley Cyrus wrote a long letter to Hannah Montana in commemoration of the 15th anniversary of the show’s premiere, which can be read below.
Miley Cyrus was only thirteen years old on March 24, 2006 when the teen sitcom premiered on Disney Channel. It ended in 2011 after four seasons and a feature film.
The pop star reflected on the series in a handwritten note posted on Instagram. “Dear Hannah Montana, I still love you fifteen years later,” Cyrus wrote in the letter title.
She wrote, “I’ve slid those blonde slits across my forehead in the best attempt to hide my identity since I first slid them on my forehead to cover up my identity since I first slid the blonde knocks on my forehead to hide my”
Then I went on to become a puke pink Terry cloth dress with a thunderbolted HM over the [heart].”At the time, I didn’t realise it, but you’re going to spend the rest of your life here.
“Not only in my life, but in the lives of millions around the world. Although you’re an ‘alter ego,’ I have had more of my identity in my gloves in my life than in my bare hands. “
“We had an equal exchange where you gave me a huge amount of fame in exchange for the anonymity I could give you,” continued Cyrus.
The actor went on to say that “since then much has changed,” describing the character as “a rocket which brought me to the moon and never brought me down.”
“You and I were all together through my friend,” Cyrus continued. “There were many firsts for us both. There’s a lot of duration. There are ups and downs to life. Laughing, laughing, laughter, laughing, laughing, laughing, laughing, laughing, laughing… I lost my father’s pappy while filming an early episode of Season 1. He wanted to see the premiere on the 24th of March, so he hung in as long as he could. He went to be with his Lord and Savior on February 28th. He saw the publicity broadcast during High School Musical that he described as one of his most proud moments in his life, claiming he was a badass democratic state legislator.
“My heart was fractured, but I was relieved that I could use his name on every credit alongside my father.”
Miley Cyrus later stated that she would “never forget” her show time. “I was bittersweet to know I would leave you (a huge piece of me) behind at Stage 9,” she wrote. “What I say I grew up in when people ask me where I grew up. It was my residence. “
“You all have my loyalty, deep appreciation to the end,” said the singer Miley Cyrus, adding that he “is indebted not only to Hannah but also to everybody who has believed in me from the outset.” Thank you, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
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