The latest research disproves the widely held belief that overeating causes obesity. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, limiting your caloric intake will not help you lose weight.The researchers believe that fat and obesity are caused by the consumption of processed foods. This causes a fundamental shift in metabolism. Overeating as a cause of obesity has been abandoned.
According to the researchers, obesity is the root cause of overeating. The age-old notion of weight gain as a result of consuming more energy than one expends is dismissed.According to the study’s lead author, David Ludwig, an endocrinologist at Boston Children’s Hospital and Professor at Harvard Medical School, the carbohydrate-insulin model will provide better and more efficient weight management.
The energy balance model was never useful for determining the biological causes of weight gain. David stated in a press release, “During a growth spurt, for example, adolescents may increase food intake by 1,000 calories per day.” But is it their overeating that causes the growth spurt, or is it the growth spurt that causes the adolescent to become hungry and overeat?”Obesity is primarily caused by heavily marketed, low-cost processed foods and an increasing sedentary lifestyle. The food intake and lifestyle, not the quantity of food, are the most important aspects of being overweight. Non-healthy foods can alter metabolism, increase fat storage, and eventually lead to obesity if the diet is not healthy or rich in essential nutrients.

Whatever we eat causes our bodies to react. When we consume highly processed carbohydrates, our bodies increase insulin secretion, which controls glucagon secretion. This causes fat cells to store more calories, leaving insufficient for metabolic processes or muscle power. It sends a signal to the brain that the body is not getting enough energy, resulting in hunger.

However, the metabolism will be slowed during this process in order to conserve fuel in the body. As a result, as the amount of fat in the body increases, so does the desire to eat. The researchers believed that in order to find the true root cause of the obesity epidemic and combat it, we should focus on the type of food that affects hormones and metabolism rather than the quantity of food consumed. The energy balance model overlooks this information.“Reducing consumption of rapidly digestible carbohydrates, which flooded the food supply during the low-fat diet era, reduces the underlying drive to store body fat.” As a result, people may be able to lose weight with less hunger and struggle,” Ludwig says. According to the author, thorough and detailed research is required to reach a strong conclusion and ultimatum.
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