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Post Discharge Reaffirmation Agreement

After going through bankruptcy, it is important to understand your options when it comes to debts that were not included in the discharge. One such option is a post-discharge reaffirmation agreement.

A reaffirmation agreement is a legal contract between the debtor and creditor that essentially says the debtor will continue to pay off a specific debt even though it was included in the bankruptcy. This can be beneficial for both parties as it allows the debtor to keep certain assets (such as a car or home) that they may not be able to otherwise, while also ensuring the creditor receives the money owed to them.

A post-discharge reaffirmation agreement differs from a traditional reaffirmation agreement in that it is signed after the bankruptcy has been discharged. This means that the debtor is no longer legally obligated to pay the debt in question, but by signing the agreement they are essentially re-obligating themselves.

Before signing any reaffirmation agreement, it is important to carefully consider the pros and cons. On the one hand, it can help you keep important assets and maintain a good relationship with your creditor. On the other hand, if you later find yourself unable to make payments on the reaffirmed debt, your creditor may be able to pursue legal action against you and repossess the asset in question.

If you do choose to sign a post-discharge reaffirmation agreement, it is important to make sure you fully understand the terms and conditions. You should also consult with a bankruptcy attorney to ensure you are making the best decision for your specific financial situation.

In conclusion, a post-discharge reaffirmation agreement can be a helpful tool for keeping important assets and maintaining good relationships with creditors after bankruptcy. However, it is important to carefully consider the potential risks and consult with an attorney before signing any such agreement.

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