HONOLULU (KHON2) — Kaiser Permanente Hawaii is presently offering free influenza shots for its individuals, and its Saturday morning stroll in influenza shot centers are likewise accessible at a few of their bigger offices statewide. On Oahu, individuals can get an influenza shot on Saturdays situated at the Honolulu, Koolau and Waipio clinical offices from 8 a.m. to early afternoon, as per the Kaiser Permanente site.

Also, Saturday influenza shot centers are accessible at the Hilo office on the Big Island. Get news in a hurry with KHON 2GO, KHON’s morning digital recording, each day at 8 As per authorities, it is protected to get the COVID antibody and influenza took shots simultaneously. Walk-ins are acknowledged, and members should bring their Kaiser Permanente part ID card and a personal ID.
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