Bollywood got one more shock on Monday night after reports of Raj Kundra being captured surfaced. The spouse of entertainer Shilpa Shetty, was captured by the Mumbai Police for supposedly making explicit substance and distributing them through portable applications.

Aside from Raj, the cops have additionally captured 11 others included the racket. Mumbai Police Commissioner Hemant Nagrale affirmed Kundra’s capture and said, “We have captured Raj Kundra for this situation on July 19, 2021, as he gives off an impression of being the critical plotter of this. We have adequate proof with respect to this. The examination is in progress.”

Businessman Raj Kundra arrested by Mumbai crime branch

While Raj Kundra immediately started moving on Twitter, a few netiz

While Raj Kundra immediately started moving on Twitter, a few net additionally shared an old video of the business person on The Kapil Sharma Show.

In the vide, have Kapil Sharma can be seen asking Raj Kundra what is his kind of revenue. Raj Kundra had showed up on the show close by Shilpa Shetty and her sister Shamita Shetty.

In the video, Kapil calls attention to that Raj Kundra is regularly snapped celebrating, playing a football match with film stars, taking his significant other shopping and doing relaxed exercises.

Shilpa Shetty's husband Raj Kundra arrested for allegedly making 'porn  films'

In the midst of the entirety of this, how and where does he figure out how to function and what’s his kind of revenue. The triplet, Raj, Shilpa and Shamita, can be seen dismissing it in the video. Nonetheless, Shilpa adds, “He is a particularly persevering man,” and that he works for quite a long time at a stretch.


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