One in each four South Africans beyond 45 years old is accepted to have diabetes. Individuals with diabetes are likewise regularly excessively influenced by Covid-19 – in addition to the fact that they are bound to foster difficulties from Covid-19, yet support benefits that they need to deal with their diabetes, similar to help bunch gatherings and guiding meetings, have additionally been hindered because of the pandemic.
Medical care experts at Stellenbosch University (SU) have as of late dispatched a WhatsApp-based chatbot called the GREAT4 DIABETES PROJECT to assist patients with diabetes adequately explore the dangers related with the condition from the solace and wellbeing of their own homes. Bianca visits to one of the lead engineers of the undertaking Dr Darcell Schouw to reveal to us more about the GREAT4Diabetes project.

The GREAT4Diabetes chatbot is a free assistance through WhatsApp that sends mechanized messages that furnish instructive data to assist individuals with diabetes stay away from Covid-19 contamination, and to self-deal with their diabetes. There are 16 proof based sound messages offering patients direction on keeping away from Covid-19 contamination, good dieting propensities, controlling glucose levels, and the sky is the limit from there.
All messages are between 3-4 minutes in length, and are accessible in English, Afrikaans, and Xhosa. The help is initiated by sending the message ‘Hello there’ to an assigned WhatsApp number, which will then, at that point guide members through the enlistment interaction.

They will then, at that point consequently get a sound message each day for 16 days. On the off chance that this venture is effective, Schouw anticipates that this sort of WhatsApp chatbot could be extended for use in assisting with overseeing other persistent illnesses, in the Western Cape, yet across the rest if South Africa.
Individuals who need to join to get messages to assist them with dealing with their diabetes can save the number 087 240 5094 to their telephone, and communicate something specific
“Hello” through WhatsApp to buy in. The assistance is for nothing and accessible to anybody with type 2 diabetes.
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