In July Bezos Plans To Space On A Flight Of Blue Origin.

Jeff Bezos will be on board for Blue Origin’s first human space trip one month from now. 

In an Instagram post early Monday, Bezos said he, his sibling, and the victor of a continuous closeout, will be on board Blue Origin’s New Shepard rocket during its planned dispatch on July 20. 

Bezos plans to go to space aboard Blue Origin flight in July -

July 20 is the commemoration of the Apollo 11 moon landing. The excursion will be a concise bounce to space from Texas. 

Bezos said toward the beginning of February that he was venturing down as CEO of Amazon to invest more energy, in addition to other things, zeroed in on Blue Origin. 

“To see the Earth from space, it transforms you, changes your relationship with this planet. It’s one Earth, “Bezos said in the Instagram post. “I need to go on this flight since it’s a thing I’ve needed to do for my entire life. It’s an experience. It’s no joking matter for me. ” 

Bezos plans to go to space aboard Blue Origin flight in July |

The closeout for an open seat on New Shepard closes Saturday. The winning bid right now stands at $2.8 million, with nearly 6,000 members from 143 countries. The triumphant bid sum will be given to Blue Origin’s establishment, Club for the Future, whose mission is to motivate people in the future to seek after vocations in STEM and to help develop the eventual fate of life in space. 

Bezos | Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @njtimesofficial. To get latest updates

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