In Hollywood, wedding bells are ringing once more. Keshia Knight Pulliam married her fiancé, fellow actor Brad James, in an intimate ceremony at their home last week.“Last week, my life forever changed,” Pulliam captioned her wedding photos, which she shared for the first time with fans. “I married my best friend at our home, in front of our family, and it was magical!” “It wasn’t the large destination wedding we had planned,” Pulliam explained. “Instead, it was intimate, whimsical, and filled with love, laughter, and joy… Absolutely flawless!”The bride was a vision in her ballgown bridal gown, which resembled something out of a romantic fairytale.
Pulliam, 42, and James, 40, first met in 2019 on the set of the TV movie “Pride and Prejudice: Atlanta,” and instantly hit it off and exchanged numbers.James proposed to the Cosby Show alum with a sparkling on custom diamond eternity band on their one-year anniversary in December 2020. Pulliam is married for the second time. She has a four-year-old daughter named Ella, whom she shared with her ex-husband, former NFL star Ed Hartwell. The couple divorced just a few months after their January 2016 wedding.
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