Fanatics of Love Island were shocked as Tyler Cruickshank sold out Kaz Kamwi in a private talk with the chaps about the developing issues between Jake Cornish and Liberty Poole.
After Liberty had addressed Jake before in the scene about her concerns, Faye was seen conversing with Teddy about how she thought Jake was a “entertainer”, with Kaz addressing Tyler about her own concerns for the pair.

Following on from a test that saw fans naming Jake and Liberty the most uneven relationship and probably going to separate, the young men went for a private visit about the issue between the pair. While Tyler shared what Kaz had asked him before, Teddy kept his mouth shut about the visit with Faye.
Tyler said: “Me and Kaz were simply having a typical discussion, and she halted, glanced me dead in my eyes and said ‘do you believe he’s certifiable?’ “Furthermore, I resembled ‘f*** me no doubt you’re beginning to trust it currently also’ kind of thing.” Another said: “Teddy realizes how to keep his mouth shut kid bc he’s not in any event, saying what Faye said #loveisland”.

A third remarked: “Tyler you need to hush up and resemble Teddy. Perceive how Teddy didn’t air anything Faye said #loveisland”. Fans had recently been thrilled by Faye’s remarks about Jake to Teddy.
Faye was seen secretly murmuring to Teddy: “I love him, so much, however he’s a player. “He done the sweetheart thing since he’s an entertainer. “I can guarantee you that will not deal with the outside”.
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