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AEW Full Gear Outcomes: Adam Page defeated Kenny Omega To Win The AEW World Championship.


AEW Full Gear in Minneapolis, Cody Rhodes and PAC collaborated to take on Andrade El Idolo and Malakai Black. PAC and Andrade began the match yet Cody slapped PAC on the back to label himself in as the fans recited F**k you Cody. PAC then, at that point, immediately labeled himself in. Right off the bat in the month, Jose the partner got involved to assist Andrade yet Cody hit him with a plunge through the ropes.

Cody was booed at whatever point he would hit some offense. Cody forcefully labeled out to PAC. It was PAC was Andrade for a few minutes. There appeared to be issue with the two groups since Black labeled himself in when Andrade wasnt prepared to tag out. Cody hit a whirlwind of offense on Black however PAC labeled himself in similarly as Cody took a turning kick to the head. PAC additionally hit an Asai moonsault on Black and Andrade at ringside.

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Jose the aide got into it with Arn Anderson however the Enforcer took him out with a few punches. Back to the match, Andrade hit a tornillo jump onto PAC at ringside and afterward he sent PACs throat into the barricade.fought a huge lump of the match without help from anyone else on the grounds that Cody was harmed at ringside and Doc Sampson went to mind him. Cody at last got back in the match and he labeled in to hit offense on Andrade.

AEW Full Gear results, live streaming match coverage - Cageside Seats

Cody took a boot to the face yet returned and hit a backwards suplex on Andrade off the top rope. Minutes after the fact, Cody secured in the add four on Andrade yet PAC labeled himself up and afterward hit the Black Arrow for the pin endeavor however Andrade got his hand under the rope. PAC did an absurd and unintentionally arrived on Cody. Dark attempted to dominate the game by hitting PAC wtih a German suplex yet Cody separated the pin endeavor. At ringside, Black hit Cody with a running kick that took the two men over the blockade. In the ring, PAC hit a toxin rana and the Black Arrow to dominate the game for his group.


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