Multiplayer, leaderboards, and store downloads didn’t fit. If you had problems with this evening’s PlayStation Network (PSN), you weren’t alone. The service was hit with multiplayer, store systems, and more going down for around an hour. The outage seemed global—the official Ask PlayStation Japan Twitter account reported the issue, and we saw several users from Europe reporting problems.

It seems it’s fixed now, with the PSN status page showing everything is up and running. I also confirmed that I could download a PlayStation Store game and jump into a multiplayer match.
The outage affected all categories on the status page of the PSN — account management, gaming and social, PlayStation Now, PlayStation Video, PlayStation Store, and PlayStation Direct — all were marked as down for about an hour (though reports of the outage started rolling in around 20 minutes before the status page lights started turning red).

During the outage, several Verge employees struggled to download products from the shop, play multiplayer games, review leaderboards, and load the PlayStation app on their phones. Downdetector reports peaked at about 44,000 after they began flowing in at around 5 PM ET.
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